Helix – Valve Kit


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The Helix Bite Valve, yet another one of Source’s great creations, has used a fancy 360 cylindrical silicone valve situation, which means you don’t have to swivel that hydration tube (or your body!) to a specific orientation to use it. “Omni directional operation” they call that. Might not seem like a big deal to some… but if you’re in the middle of adventuring, tired as all hell, just sat done on the comfiest looking rock you could find with your pack still on, and have now slid done said rock at a funky angle right down to the dusty floor, with your pack precariously balancing between still being on the rock and totally engulfing you… well, the last thing you want to have to deal with is orientating your entire body to accommodate a tiny bit of silicone that’s been strapped down to high heaven to your pack. “Omni directional” would seriously be the only thing that’d save you from having a reassessing-my-life-choices moment.